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As any budding blogger will know, it’s an exciting day when someone picks up your blog from the net and says something nice about it. Particularly if it isn’t your mum, sister or best mate (thanks for your support though guys ;-)).

So, at the impressionable age of four months, pasties & cream is glowing after a review in Cornish World magazine’s Online section this month – and even more pleased to be described thus:

‘Quirky and sometimes nostalgic, this blog looks at Cornwall with an unusual twist. Amidst the many little gems waiting to be discovered are surfing sheep and an intriguing video of Penzance in the 60s. pasties & cream features kitsch venues, good food and fun facts alongside beautiful photography.’

‘Quirky’ is of course one of those words that is totally off-limits when describing yourself but is always well-received when coming from someone else.

So, thanks CW.

p&c january header: artist’s studio Newlyn

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